Special Issue of Justice System Journal on “Gender, Race & the Courts”
Justice System Journal will publish a special issue devoted to the topic of “Gender, Race & the Courts.” This special issue will be guest edited by Dr. Rebecca Gill and Dr. Allison Harris.
With the advent of the #MeToo and Black Lives Matter movements, a crucial question concerns how the courts address issues related to race and gender, as well as how race and gender influences individuals’ interactions with the judicial system, from those who experience harms, to those who choose to file cases, to those who represent various plaintiffs and defendants, to those who ultimately decide the cases.
Possible topics for manuscripts include, but are not limited to: how the gender and/or race of litigants influences their interactions with the judicial system (including with respect to identifying harms, pursuing litigation, and case outcomes); how the gender and/or race of lawyers influences their interactions with the judicial system; how the gender and/or race of judges influences case outcomes, collegial interactions, political ambition, and other areas; and how gender and/or race may influence judicial elections and judicial ambition from the vantage point of both voters and candidates.
Submissions on any topic concerning gender, race and the courts or law will be considered. Articles intended for consideration for inclusion in this issue should be submitted by October 15, 2019, via the journal’s online submission process at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ujsj.
Questions about potential submissions should be directed to Rebecca Gill (rebecca.gill@unlv.edu) and/or Allison Harris (allison.p.harris@gmail.com).